
Tuesday 28th june 16.00 - 18.00 h. Location: William Sangster - Level 2

525/ Mental health: a global priority

Dra. Dévora Kestel

Director, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO World Health Organisation, Geneva

See biography...

525/ Mental health from 1948 to the present – what has been achieved?

Dr. Nasser Loza

President WFMH

See biography...

525/ Making the best of World Mental Health Day

Professor Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE JP

Secretary General WFMH and Founder World Dignity Project. Visiting Professor of Population Mental Health, NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal. Honorary Visiting Fellow, Bradford University School of Management, UK. Medical Director, The Wood Street Health Centre, London, UK.

See biography...

525/ Mental health: We can and need to do better

HRH Princess Iman Afzan Al-sultan Abdullah of Malaysia

Patron, WFMH Congress 2022