Dr. Alberto Trimboli

Joint International Committee Vice-Chairs

Joint International Committee Vice-Chair

Past President. AASM – Argentine Association of Mental Health.


World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), Past President
The Argentine Association of Mental Health (AASM), founder, former president and Current Ethics Secretary.
General Coordinator at National Direction of Mental Health the Ministry of Health of Argentina
Addictions Program Coordinator at Alvarez Hospital of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Member of the Mental Health Care Department at the Alvarez Hospital.
Professor of Post-Graduate Course for Specialists in drug abuse, at the National University of Tucumán, Argentina.
Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Argentine University J. F. Kennedy
Professor at the Mental Health Department of the Medical School at the University of Buenos Aires
Professor at the Psychology School at the University of Buenos Aires.
Author of numerous articles and books on Mental Health in general and about addictions in particular.