Shona Sturgeon

International Committee Members

Past President WFMH. BSocSc (Social Work), Adv. Dip. (Psychiatric Social Work), M. Soc.Sc (Clinical Social Work) University of Cape Town.


Shona Sturgeon BSocSc (Social Work), Adv. Dip. (Psychiatric Social Work), M. Soc.Sc (Clinical Social Work) University of Cape Town.
Shona was on the academic staff of the Department of Social Development at the University of Cape Town for over twenty years, retiring at the end of 2010 when she was appointed a research associate. She held senior academic and administrative responsibility, including being convener of the bachelor academic programme and the undergraduate and postgraduate field practice programmes, therefore working closely with many non-governmental organizations. Her main interests are mental health issues, management of non-governmental organization and intervention on an individual, family and small group level.
She has taken an active leadership role in community mental health care and the development and management of mental health/developmental non-governmental organizations locally and nationally for many years. She has been the chairperson of non-governmental organizations concerned with mental health in Cape Town, including Cape Mental Health, the Family and Marriage Society of the Western Cape, The Parent Centre, and is currently the chairperson of St Luke’s Hospice, the vice chairperson of the Parent Centre and serves on the boards of Cape Mental Health and the Hospital Facilities Board of Valkenberg Hospital.
On a national level, she has twice been President of the South African Federation for Mental Health and is currently active as Honorary Life President. She has also been, and still is, active on the international level, initially representing Africa on the World Federation for Mental Health, serving on the WFMH board for several years, becoming the World President for the years 2006-2007 and thereafter serving as a board member. She is a member of the Advisory Panel of the Global Alliance of Mental Health Advocates. Her research, publications and conference presentations have been in the field of mental health, particularly in mental health promotion, mental health and development and cultural diversity.