Sam Okpaku
Joint International Committee Vice-Chairs
Joint International Committee Vice-Chair
Psychiatrist . Centre for health, culture & society Nashville .
Dr. Okpaku is the President of the Center for Health, Culture and Society in Nashville, TN. He is a graduate of Edinburgh University Medical School and he holds a Ph.D in Social Research and Welfare from Brandeis University. He has been on the faculty of University of Pennsylvania Medical School and Yale University. He was Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Vanderbilt University Medical School and a Senior Fellow at the Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies. He was also Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry Meharry Medical School Nashville. He is a Fellow of Royal College of Physicians Canada and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is a past president of Black Psychiatrists of America.His research interests have included Lithium transport, Psychotherapy, Disability Determination and Cultural Psychiatry. He has written or edited the following volumes Sex, Orgasm and Depression and their relationship in a changing society, Mental Health in Africa and the Americas Today, Clinical Methods in Transcultural Psychiatry, Essentials of Global Mental Health, and Innovations in Global Mental Health.